We nurture the vast, micro-climate soil pockets of Stellenzicht to steward and sustain what nature provides each year. Our wines truly are expressions of our terroir. In honouring our history, and existing soils, we spent a great deal of time determining our soil types in order to plant the right varieties on the ideal site. This gives the vines the best possible chance to root itself within the ideal terroir. In order to nurture this terroir and the biodiversity around our vineyards, we look to nature and its natural indicators, adjusting our sustainable farming and winemaking practices in order to best express our soils and terroir through our grapes and wines. Nature has adapted around the farm throughout the years. This is most prevalently seen by the return of the dragonfly population on the farm. This highly adaptive creature symbolizes our future: we adapt when needed in pursuit of balance. As the soils were being prepared to be replanted in 2017, the team picked up some strange looking rocks that turned out to be Acheulean hand-axes. Acheulean is a period within the Stone age where humans not only used sharp objects but started crafting their own tools. This discovery of the hand-axes was made even more significant with a title deed relating to the property dating back to the 1800’s where it stated that the property was “…not good for crop, only cattle. Too many rocks.” It was the moment the team realized that the soil and terroir they were standing on with these rocks is the true history and heritage of the property.